22. September 2020 · Rubrik:

Aiming at a national law that prohibits the export of banned pesticides

The exports of highly hazardous pesticides banned in the European Union to countries in the Global South continue to put communities there in danger. The Yavatmal tragedy, which occurred in 2017 and where hundreds of cotton farmers were severely poisoned and many died, is one of the many cases that sadly illustrate the devastating effects of this practice.

Wealthy nations exporting their banned toxic chemicals to poorer nations is an unethical practice that has to end. This is not only the opinion of PAN groups around the globe, but is shared by experts of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

With its campaign to stop double standards in pesticide trade, PAN Germany is aiming at a national legal ban on exports of pesticides, which banned or not approved in the EU due to health or environmental reasons. France already has a similar law that prohibits – from 2022 onwards – the production, storage and sale of plant protection products containing these substances. With our campaign, we hope to make the German government follow the good example of our French neighbors. Furthermore, we support the commitment for an EU-wide solution.

Together with the INKOTA network, PAN Germany has started an online Appeal against double standards in pesticide trade and for an export stop of banned pesticides in Germany. NGOs from other countries that are interested in the issue are invited to contact us.

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