22. November 2021 · Rubrik: GFC / SAICM

NGO-Konferenz “Tomorrow without Toxics”

Während der gesamten Woche können Interessierte an virtuellen Veranstaltungen der NGO-Konferenz „Tomorrow without Toxics“ vom 22.-26. November2021 teilnehmen. Der dritte Konferenztag am Mittwoch den 24.11. widmet sich dem Thema „Pestizide und Pestizid-Belastungen“. Die Hauptkonferenz-Sprache ist Englisch, Podiumsdiskussionen der Konferenz werden in weitere Sprachen übersetzt.

Join the virtual International Civil Society Conference on Chemicals Management (ICSCCM), organized by the Forum Environment and Development in cooperation with the partner organizations HEJ-Support, WECF, PAN Germany and BUND – Friends of the Earth Germany. Conference is free of charge.

The four-day virtual conference, from November 22 to 26, involves participants from leading civil society organizations and social movements around the world, international organizations and governmental representatives, to discuss challenges to international policies and regulations on chemicals. The conference offers daily high-level panels and space for information sharing, debate, and learning. Participants will be able to draft and discuss demands, targeting different stakeholder groups.

Elements of the conference:

  • Daily high-level panel: strong interdisciplinary and intersectional perspectives can be developed in a daily panel with high-profile experts
  • Open spaces: knowledge-sharing, networking and exchange in self-organized sessions, meetings and presentations
  • One focal topic per day:
    Monday, 22.11. Social injustice in International Chemical Management
    Tuesday, 23.11. Chemicals in products and the Right to Know
    Wednesday, 24.11. Pesticide use and Exposure
    Thursday, 25.11. Ideal Solutions for International Chemical Management
    Friday, 26.11. Discussion on the Call to Action
  • Discussion and development of demands: be part of a joint call to action. The Call To Action will be agreed during the final conference Day, Friday 26November.
  • Linkages to other policy areas: discussions on the link between chemicals and waste, and areas such as trade, circular economy, biodiversity, and health care, integrating gender, post colonialism, and class perspectives. Feel free to bring your specific topic into the discussion!

Please find here the program with a detailed timetable and more background information.

Mehr über SAICM erfahren (auf Deutsch).