Summary: CHRONICALLY UNDERRATED? A review of the European carcinogenic hazard assessment of 10 pesticides

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Erstellungsdatum: 21. Oktober 2019
Zuletzt aktualisiert 15. April 2020

Glyphosate, one of the world’s most widely used pesticides that has been linked to multiple negative health effects, was reauthorized for a period of five years on the European market in 2017. This decision was a controversial one, particularly as the official assessment on the carcinogenicity of this pesticide was based on a flawed and distorted use of EU guidelines and guidance documents [1]. These criticisms have also raised more general questions about the way European authorities perform carcinogenicity assessments. In an effort to find answers to these questions, we have performed a review of the carcinogenicity sections of the draft Renewal Assessments Reports (RARs) of ten different pesticides.