ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die über die negativen Folgen des Einsatzes von Pestiziden informiert und sich für umweltschonende, sozial gerechte Alternativen einsetzt.
Wir sind Teil des internationalen Pesticide Action Network (PAN).
Datei | Aktion |
Vergift_EN-201112-web-2.pdf | Download |
Dateigröße | 390.56 KB |
Erstellungsdatum: | 20. November 2012 |
Zuletzt aktualisiert | 7. Juni 2018 |
Acute and long term pesticide poisoning is a major global health problem. This PAN Germany publication addresses the following issues: Who is affected by the health hazards posed by pesticides? What is known about the frequency of acute pesticide poisonings and the extent of long-term adverse health effects due to pesticides? To what extent do suicides and attempted suicides contribute to the total numbers of pesticide poisonings? In view of ongoing increases in global pesticide use, has documentation of pesticide poisonings been improved? On the basis of available data on pesticide poisonings, what action should be taken?