PAN International Webinar zu hochgefährlichen Pestiziden (HHPs)
PAN International lädt ein zum Webinar „Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) – a global challenge“ am 15. Dezember 2020 von 12:00 – 13:30 Uhr.
Interessierte Teilnehmer*innen können sich hier direkt anmelden. Das Webinar findet in englischer, französicher und spanischer Sprache statt.
Original Ankündigungstext (englisch):
„In this webinar, you can deepen your understanding of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs). You will get an overview about their characteristics, and an insight into their implications for human rights, human health, and the environment. And you can learn about policy options for a phase-out of HHPs. The webinar will give an overview of HHPs characteristics and the harm they cause, explain which policy instruments are already in place that address HHPs, and identify gaps and options to improve the situation and bring about the envisaged global phase-out of HHPs. Please join us to learn from the involved experts, pose your questions and share your comments.“
Find out more in the Webinar program.